A link came across my news feed today on facebook. It is titled "All that is right with 4-H." As I read the first scenario I knew that this was something that needed to be shared with our club! Please click on the link (the title) and read the article.
Throughout the last week at the fair, I have witnessed this same thing happening all over the lamb barn! Between our pen of two show and breeding shows, show day is always a day where you can witness 4-hers helping other 4-Hers. Younger or older, new members or experienced sheep showman, it can be said that we have the best group of kids that always work together to get the job done! I am very proud to be a part of the Elkhart County Lamb Club. We have many leaders who were once members of the club and came back to mentor the future generations. Please share with us your stories of members who have helped you throughout your 4-H career!
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