What are skill-a-thons?
As a requirement to complete each year in 4-H you have to complete at least 4 projects. The projects our Skill-a-thons. Raising and showing your lambs at the fair is an added bonus to being in lamb club. The purpose of the skill-a-thons is to educate members of the club about the sheep industry as well as how to care for their sheep projects. Throughout the year check back to this page for more information on the monthly skill-a-thon. Tips will be provided on where to find study information and what will be included in the skill-a-thon.
In lamb club, we treat the skill-a-thons as a contest throughout the year. The skill-a-thons will each be worth 25 points. Our goal for this year as leaders is to take more of a hands on approach for the skill-a-thons. There will still be a "writing" portion to each, however the goal is to be more interactive.
Each member can replace ONE skill-a-thon with ONE community service activity that the club participates in. The two community service activities that we have chosen for this year are Bingo at Waterford Crossing and Mulching with Kate Rink at the Fairgrounds in early summer. Both dates will be announced as they are scheduled.
In lamb club, we treat the skill-a-thons as a contest throughout the year. The skill-a-thons will each be worth 25 points. Our goal for this year as leaders is to take more of a hands on approach for the skill-a-thons. There will still be a "writing" portion to each, however the goal is to be more interactive.
Each member can replace ONE skill-a-thon with ONE community service activity that the club participates in. The two community service activities that we have chosen for this year are Bingo at Waterford Crossing and Mulching with Kate Rink at the Fairgrounds in early summer. Both dates will be announced as they are scheduled.
Skill-A-Thon Topics
We are continually looking for new ideas for Skill-a-Thon topics for club meetings. Please take some time to go through the topics on the survey to help us decide which skill-a-thon topics you want to learn the most about. Please choose the topic or topics that you would most like to see and leave a suggestion in the box.
Thank you for your input!
Thank you for your input!